About Us

Why plant a new church in Hamilton?

Grace Church Hamilton is part of a growing nationwide Christian denomination known as the Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand (GPCNZ). For many years we have prayed and looked for opportunity to plant a church in Hamilton also. We look forward to serving the city. We want to introduce many people to Jesus. And we are excited to learn together as a community of Jesus’ disciples.

Our Mission & Vision

Our Mission & Vision

We are cultivating a community for all ages,
nourished in a faith that is ancient and true,
committed to growing people
who glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

We are cultivating a community for all ages, nourished in a faith that is ancient and true, committed to growing people who glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

Our beliefs

We are a Christian church seeking to have our beliefs and lives shaped by the Scriptures. As such, we stand in line with many ancient Christian confessions like the Apostles’ and Nicene creeds. Notably, we are also a reformed church meaning we embrace the doctrines of grace.

Perhaps this sounds unfamiliar to you and you’re looking for the basics of what we believe. We hope you will find the following essential beliefs helpful:

These Essentials are described with greater detail in the Westminster Confession of Faith, which is our confessional statement and standard of doctrine, as found in Scripture.

We believe the Bible is the written word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error in the original manuscripts. The Bible is the revelation of God’s truth and is infallible and authoritative in all matters of faith and practice.
We believe in the Holy Trinity. There is one God, who exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe that God created the world we live in and through providence sustains, governs, and directs all things according to His sovereign will.
We believe that we are all are sinners and totally unable to save ourselves from God’s displeasure, except by His mercy. Before the fall mankind had a freedom to choose what was good and pleasing to God, but now is unable to choose any spiritual good.
We believe that God is gracious and faithful to His people not simply as individuals but as families in successive generations according to His Covenant promises. Covenant theology views all of Scripture as an unfolding covenant relationship between God and His people in which God’s dealings with humanity is based on consistency throughout by grace.
We believe that God alone sovereignly chooses those He will save, calling them to himself by His Spirit, pardoning them and accepting them as righteous because of Jesus. He adopts them into His family. They forsake their sins in repentance and produce characteristics of a redeemed life. God completes this work He began and they persevere to the end. There is great mystery in these workings of God, which requires much humility from us.

We believe that as the living God renews all things, he has been gathering a people, called the church, from every nation, ethnicity, class, and culture. He instructs His church to become actively invested in the world’s people and problems in productive ways by bringing his truth and values to bear on all of life. Jesus has power and authority to right what is wrong with the world and he chooses the church as his primary instrument for making disciples of all nations. Thus, the church’s mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ through the means of grace that God has provided; ordinarily, God’s Word, the sacraments, and prayer.

We believe Jesus appointed two holy sacraments as signs and seals of the covenant of grace. Baptism is for those who express faith and obedience to Christ and their children. The Lord’s supper was given as a sign of spiritual nourishment and a pledge of communion to Christ and His body.

We believe that after death our bodies return to the dust but our souls live on forever, the righteous to heaven and the wicked to hell. On God’s appointed day there will be a bodily resurrection and Jesus will return, bodily and visibly, to judge all mankind and to receive His people to Himself.

We believe God has provided only one way of salvation, through the sacrifice of Jesus that is to be offered to all people, by His people. He invites and commands everyone everywhere to accept His gracious invitation.

Our Core Team &

Our Core Team &

As a church plant, we are thankful to begin this journey with a committed group of families. Some have lived in Hamilton for years. Others are new to the city. But all of us have a love for Christ and desire to introduce others to Him also.

The pastoral leadership and governance of this church is provided by commissioned elders of the GPCNZ.

Frequently Asked Questions

Think about this as group of Christian churches who share a common form of church government and doctrinal standard. In our case, we are governed in accordance with Presbyterian principles and are commited to the Westminster Confession of Faith as our doctrinal standard.

We lean on a liturgical structure. This is for our good and shapes the worship service so that no surprises are sprung on anyone. Our services includes a welcome, scripture reading, prayer, confession of sin, assurance of God’s grace, songs, an expositional sermon, and closing blessing.

Whatever you find comfortable and practical. For some this could be a t-shirt and jeans. For others, a dress shirt and pants. We’re not fussy.

We try to make the church a physically safe space for young children, as far as is practical in the venue we use. We ask parents/caregivers to exercise primary care for their children. Additionally, we warmly welcome children to be part of the worship service.

If you’re visiting or new to church, there’s no pressure to give money to the church. In time, as you learn the Christian life you may take steps toward generosity with the resources God has given you. This includes the privilege and responsibility of supporting your local church family.

Certainly. We are a learning community. We’d welcome you to investigate the claims of the Bible and the uniqueness of Jesus with us.